Routine Reboot: In 4 Steps

Summer was a blast (and then some), but we’re slowly getting back into the flow of things. Back to our regular schedules, school routines, practices, work clock in & more. Our top tips for getting back into the groove & levelling up your daily routines.


Wake up early.
I recently read the book ‘The 5AM Club’, which explores the concept of waking up early (specifically 5AM) as a means to transform your life.


The 20 20 20 Rule.
This routine is designed to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The first 20 minutes are for exercise, the second 20 minutes are for reflection and planning, and the final 20 minutes are for learning something new.


Take your vitamins daily.
Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of vitamins. One of my favourites is Herbaland’s Immune Boost. A powerful combo of Vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry & Echinacea, these gummies support your immune system, provide vital antioxidants & protect the body from illness + infection.


Gratitude is key.
Incorporating gratitude into your daily morning rituals helps you establish a healthy habit. Over time, it becomes a natural part of your routine, making it easier to maintain a grateful mindset throughout the day. Consider practices such as keeping a gratitude journal, meditating on things you're thankful for, or simply taking a few moments to reflect on your blessings.

What are your favourite ways to start your day? What daily rituals do you love? And how do you keep your body & mind healthy?

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