The Mamas Behind MIFA & Co


It has grown in so many ways since we started in late 2017. We really took it slow in the beginning for various reasons. There was a lot of figuring out to do while we built the brand. The first year we were only an e-commerce business and after launching our body wash line, we started expanding into local stockists and attending more events.

At this time we are in 12+ local stores and still building the list along with e-commerce sales. Being in business for 5+ years, I am so proud of what we have gained… and I’m not talking about sales. We are so grateful for all the love and support from friends, family and just people we have met along the way like yourself.

Each day definitely has its challenges. Going into the beauty industry and managing every department between the two of us will keep you on your toes. Both of us coming from a corporate background has helped but there are some surprises along the way and we are learning each day.

The key is slow and steady. In the beginning I thought we could have new products in half the time or less than what it actually takes from the conception, to R&D and more. Reality check set in really quick and it has been a rewarding experience not to mention all the amazing people we have met along the way.


Balance is something we all strive for but in reality you just do the best you can. My key tools are my calendar and time blocking. You always hear me say that you will make time for the people you want to do and I stay true to this. Having MIFA has given me some flexibility as well so I am grateful that I get the time to work, meet new people while still spending time with family and friends. Straight up if I wanted to work from home I couldn’t anyway. As soon I get through the door, it’s mom mode until the boys go to bed. (I’ve tried to work from home and it lasted about 30 seconds with the laptop open lol)

Head to to check out all of their green goods + offerings. They make some of my favourite things, and the two women behind the brand are two of my favourite humans.

Our Bahay