Summer Self-Care Era: Challenge

Hooray! We made it to another Summer Season. Kids are winding down from school, and schedules are slowing down. We’re offering a summer challenge of just 8 things, to help you make the most of these sunny days. Join us in embracing relaxation & a little self-love and self-care.

1. Morning Meditation

Spend at least 10 minutes every morning sitting in meditation. I like to use apps with guided meditations, but you can also sit in silence & mindfully set up your day for success.

2. Declutter + Minimize

Decluttering and embracing minimalism can reduce stress by creating a visually calm environment and make it easier to find what you need. This helps you to appreciate + prioritize the things that truly add value and meaning to your space, fostering a sense of clarity + joy.

3. Read + Learn

Challenge yourself to read at least one book a month and learn something new. I prefer audiobooks when I’m on the go, while others enjoy traditional paper books. Books offer endless learning opportunities—whether it's a new skill, work-related knowledge, or personal growth. If you need any recommendations, let us know!

4. Sunshine Break

Take 15 minutes each day to enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Step outside, walk in the sun, breathe deeply, admire the flowers, or gaze at the treetops. It's a beautiful way to reset.

5. Digital Detox

At least once a week, put all your electronic devices away. Out of site, out of mind. Why? It can really help to reduce stress by giving you time & space to disconnect and promote relaxation. Pros: Promotes mental health, encourages physical activity & increases mindfulness

6. Try A New Recipe

Challenging yourself to try a new recipe each week enhances your culinary skills and creativity, making cooking more fun and diverse. It also encourages healthier eating habits by incorporating a variety of ingredients and techniques into your diet.

7. Pay It Forward

Once a week, do something kind for somebody else. Whether it’s somebody you know, or a complete stranger, there’s something about doing an act of kindness that shifts the energy + potentially inspires somebody else to do the same.

8. Gratitude Notes

At the end of each day, write down just three things that you were grateful for in your day. No matter how big or how small, writing down things that you are grateful for cultivate and build a foundation of not only gratefulness, but more opportunity for beautiful + positive things.

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